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Rosh HaShana 2015
Bryn Mawr
Shany, Azi, Tova, Shuki, Nili, Giora, Shiera, Seth, Nili's friend
Apple and Pomegranate Balsamic Salad
New Fruit(Apples, Dates, Pomegranate, Star Fruit, Figs)
Individually Carved Apples w/ Honey and apple slices
Ring Challa w/ Honey in the middle
Chopped Liver
Gefilte Fish
Horseradish Beets
Matzo Ball Soup
Filet Mignon w/Balsamic Reduction, Roasted Fennel and Carrots
Couscous w/ Sauted Almonds and Crnberries
Citrus Chicken w/ Bliss potatoes
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