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Hungarian Goulas

600 g beef shin or shoulder, or any tender part of the beef cut into 2 x 2 cm cubes

2 tablespoons oil

2 medium onions, chopped

2 cloves of garlic

1-2 carrots, diced

1 parsnip, diced

1-2 celery leaves

2 medium tomatoes, peeled and chopped, or 1 tbs. tomato paste

2 fresh green peppers

2-3 medium potatoes, sliced

1 tablespoon sweet paprika

1 teaspoon ground caraway seed

1 bay leaf






Heat up the oil in a pot and braise the chopped onions in it until they get a nice golden brown color.

Add the beef cubes and sauté them till they turn white and get a bit of brownish color as well.

Sprinkle the braised onions and meat with paprika while stirring them to avoid getting the red spice burnt.

The meat will probably let out its own juice. Let the beef-cubes simmer in it while

adding the grated or crushed and chopped garlic (grated garlic has a stronger flavor),

the ground caraway seeds,

some salt

ground black pepper,

the bay lea.

Pour enough water to cover the content of the pan and let it simmer on low heat for a while.

When the meat is half-cooked (approx. in 1,5 hour, but it can take longer depending on the type and quality of the beef), add

the diced carrots,


the potatoes,

the celery leaf and

some more salt if necessary (vegetables tend to call for more salt).

You’ll probably have to pour some more (2-3 cups) water too.

When the vegetables and the meat are almost done add

the fresh tomato cubes or paste and

the sliced green peppers.

Let it cook on low heat for another few minutes. You can remove the lid of the pan if you want the soup to thicken.


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